New Law Firm Website Isn’t Working. What Could Be Wrong?

New Law Firm Website Isn’t Working. What Could Be Wrong?

I’ve Had my Law Firm Website Redesigned Recently But I’m Not Getting More Enquiries. Why?

Your law firm has invested in a brand-new website design, expecting it to attract more visitors and generate a surge of enquiries.

The design is sleek, modern (or traditional), and visually appealing. However, the influx of potential clients hasn’t materialised, leaving you puzzled and frustrated with your designer.

Many law firms face similar challenges after a website redesign. 

In this blog, we explore some common issues that could be hindering your law firm’s success and delve into four key areas that might be the root of the problem: lack of clear call-to-actions (CTAs), content quality, lack of trust signals, and insufficient promotion.

Common Issues with a Newly Redesigned Website

While a redesign can significantly enhance the visual appeal and user experience of a website, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee an increase in enquiries. Think of your website as the skeleton—an essential framework that supports the entire structure of your online presence.

Several factors could be affecting your site’s performance:

  1. Poor User Experience (UX): If the website is difficult to navigate, visitors may leave before taking any action.
  2. Slow Loading Times: A visually attractive but slow-loading law firm website can discourage potential clients.
  3. Lack of Mobile Optimisation: With many users accessing websites on mobile devices, a website that isn’t optimised for mobile can lead to missed opportunities.
  4. SEO Issues: If SEO best practices, including technical SEO, weren’t implemented during the redesign, your site might not be visible to potential visitors.

Key Focus Areas for Law Firms

Now, let’s dive deeper into the four primary issues that could be affecting your law firm website’s performance.

Lack of Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

A beautiful design means little if your visitors don’t know what to do next. CTAs guide users towards the actions you want them to take, such as calling or emailing you, filling out a contact form, or using a live chat feature. CTAs can be improved in the following ways:

  • Placement and Visibility: Ensure that CTAs are strategically placed where visitors can easily find them without scrolling too much.
  • Compelling Language: Use action-oriented and persuasive language to encourage visitors to take the next step.
  • Design and Contrast: Make your CTAs stand out with contrasting colours and bold fonts to draw attention.

Content Quality

Your website’s content is crucial in engaging visitors and convincing them to reach out. Even with a stunning design, poor content can drive potential clients away. Focus on:

  • Relevance and Value: Ensure your content addresses the needs and pain points of your target audience.
  • Clarity and Readability: Use clear, concise language and break up text with headings, bullet points, and images to enhance readability.
  • Create your Own Content: Avoid relying solely on ChatGPT or similar tools to generate your website text. AI-generated content can often be identified, which may affect your authenticity.
  • Regular Updates: Ensure your content is fresh and up-to-date to maintain relevance and authority in your industry. If you redesign your website but continue to use outdated or ineffective content, don’t expect dramatic improvements—it’s important to consider the broader context.

Lack of Trust Signals

Trust is a critical factor in converting visitors into enquiries. Without visible trust signals, potential clients may hesitate to contact you. Enhance trust by:

  • Testimonials, Reviews and Case Studies: Showcase positive case studies and feedback from satisfied clients prominently on your site, including on your service pages.
  • Certifications and Awards: Display any industry certifications, awards, or recognitions that add credibility to your law firm.
  • Security Badges: Highlight security measures, such as SSL certificates, to reassure visitors that their data is safe.

Insufficient Promotion

A newly designed website won’t generate traffic on its own; it needs to be actively promoted. Effective promotion involves a combination of SEO and PPC strategies. Optimised content on its own can take months before it starts showing on Google:

  • SEO: Search engine optimisation is essential for long-term visibility but can take time to yield results. On-page SEO is essential – and so is creating high-quality content to improve your search rankings. Keep in mind both Google bots and visitors need to be satisfied with your content.
  • PPC: Pay-per-click advertising can drive immediate traffic to your site. Combine PPC campaigns with your SEO efforts to generate enquiries while your organic search presence grows quicker.
  • Social Media and Email Marketing: You can also leverage social media platforms and email newsletters to promote your website and attract new clients.


A website redesign can significantly enhance your online presence, but it’s not a silver bullet for generating enquiries. By addressing the lack of clear CTAs, improving content quality, incorporating trust signals, and actively promoting your site through SEO and PPC, you can create a more effective online strategy.

Remember, a successful website is not just about looks; it’s mostly about functionality and how well it serves your business goals.

Take the time to refine these elements, and you’ll be on your way to converting visitors into valuable enquiries.

If you’re looking for a marketing and web design agency to partner with for your website redesign, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. We can create a new website for your firm and assist with content creation, refinement and SEO.

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