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Google Page Experience

Understanding the Google Page Experience in Google Search Results and how it affects law firm websites.

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Optimising your website can significantly impact your visibility and client acquisition. In this guide, we explain what Google Core Vitals are and how to check if you’re providing an overall great page experience across many aspects (according to Google).

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Understanding Core Web Vitals

LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)

LCP measures the time it takes for the largest element on your webpage to become visible.

To achieve a good LCP score, the image and video loading times on your website need to be optimised and compressed, and next-gen formats need to be used. 

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FID (First Input Delay)

FID gauges the time between your website’s user’s first interaction and the browser’s response.

To minimise FID, your designer should optimise the JavaScript code on your website, utilise browser caching, and defer non-essential scripts.

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

CLS quantifies visual stability by measuring unexpected layout shifts during page load.

To mitigate CLS, your page elements should have predefined sizes. Your designer should also use CSS properties like ‘aspect-ratio’ for images and ‘resize’ for dynamic content.

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LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)

LCP measures the time it takes for the largest element on your webpage to become visible.

To achieve a good LCP score, the image and video loading times on your website need to be optimised and compressed, and next-gen formats need to be used. 

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FID (First Input Delay)

FID gauges the time between your website’s user’s first interaction and the browser’s response.

To minimise FID, your designer should optimise the JavaScript code on your website, utilise browser caching, and defer non-essential scripts.

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

CLS quantifies visual stability by measuring unexpected layout shifts during page load.

To mitigate CLS, your page elements should have predefined sizes. Your designer should also use CSS properties like ‘aspect-ratio’ for images and ‘resize’ for dynamic content.

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Mobile Optimisation

With mobile users dominating online traffic, mobile optimisation is non-negotiable for law-firm websites. To achieve mobile optimisation, your website design needs to be responsive and prioritise touch-friendly navigation to enhance the mobile user experience.

Server Response Time

Minimize server response time by investing in reliable hosting, utilizing content delivery networks (CDN), and optimizing server-side processes for faster data retrieval.

Browser Caching

Leverage browser caching to store static files, reducing load times for returning visitors. Set appropriate expiration dates to ensure users receive the latest version of your content.

Secure Your Website with HTTPS

Google places significant importance on secure browsing experiences. Transition your website to HTTPS to encrypt data transmission, build trust with users, and improve search rankings.

User Engagement and Interactivity

Engaging content is pivotal for user retention. Implement features like interactive forms, quizzes, and live chat to captivate your audience. Foster a seamless journey by providing easily accessible and relevant information.


In the pursuit of SEO dominance, prioritising page experience is non-negotiable.

By implementing the strategies outlined above, your website will meet Google’s page experience expectations, improving your visibility in search results.

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